Welcome to Sint Maarten!
Well Travis and I decided that this year we were going on a vacation without our children. And of course Travis had not problem with leaving the behind but me on the other hand it did take some convincing but I did it. Even though I missed them terriably it was good to get away for a little while and remember what it is to just enjoy the time with my husband alone for a change without any kids.
Well we left for St. Maarten on July 10th and returned home on July 17th 2009. We went with some frinds of ours Joe and Melinda Atkin and there 8 month old baby Sienna.
We had a lot of fun exploring the island. And just for your information we drove around the intire island in one day. It is not very big. Half of the island is owned by the French and the other half is owned by the Dutch. We stayed on the French side but drove all over the island. The beaches were amazing and so pretty it is hard to describe. I think that my favorite time was just walking down on the beach in the dark and listening to the sound of the waves crashing in the ocean. Travis and Joe did some snorkeling and they went on a fishing trip that they did not enjoy very much, mainley because they didn't catch a dang thing.(Guess I should have gone with them to show how it was done.) We found a few little places that were tucked away and ate some great food. Man do they have some good Chinnese Food. We also ate at this little place called The Jerk Grill and Bar. Holly cow was it hot. Travis said that it was so spicy for him that his lips were numb. Pretty funny. It was some really good food though. We just mainly took it easy. Getting up when we wanted to and going to bed when we wanted to. Its nice not to have anything planned and just taking it easy and slow. Melinda and I did alot of shopping. Well as much shopping as we could talk the guys into,but hey they were pretty good sports every where that we dragged them. Every place that we went the people were so nice. I wouldn't mind coming back to St Maarten some time and hey we may even just bring the kids, well see. Well even though it is good to finally be home and getting things back to normal it is sad that it is all over. On St Maartin everyone talks about how cool there beaches are and come to find out that almost all of the beaches on the island are clothing optional! One thing that I do not understand is that all of the people that we saw that did the clothing option theme was the people that should be wearing the clothes! It was pretty funny. Good thing we dont get to see that very often. Well anyway we had an awsome time and hopefully we get to go back some day.